Monday, 24 June 2013

Upgrading/Installing Openfire on Elastix

Recently my Openfire installation on Elastix has been bugging me about a new release but whenever i attempt the upgrade, it doesn't get updated. running 'yum update openfire' gives me no new update available.
This is how i went about the solution.
I went online, found pieces of solution  here and there and brought them together and the solution is listed below.
Required solution is a SSH connection,i use putty.exe.
IMPORTANT: Make a backup of all relevant data, if this is a virtual machine(like mine), make a snapshot before continuing

Upgrading Openfire

1. Stop Openfire.

/etc/init.d/openfire stop

2. Backup the Openfire installation directory. This step is critical because the data will be overwritten with the new .tar.gz install.

cd /opt/
mkdir /opt/openfire_backup
cp -r /opt/openfire/* /opt/openfire_backup/
rd -rf /opt/openfire

3. Backup the Openfire database. Note that the embedded database is backed up in step 2.
4. Install the .tar.gz file (extract it over the current directory).

tar zxvf openfire_3_8_2.tar.gz

5. Copy the conf directory from the backup to the installation directory.

cp -r ./openfire_backup/conf/* ./openfire/conf/

6. Copy the embedded-db directory from the backup to the installation directory.

mkdir ./openfire/embedded-db
cp -r ./openfire_backup/embedded-db/* ./openfire/embedded-db/

7. Copy the enterprise directory from the backup to the installation directory, if it exists.

mkdir ./openfire/enterprise
cp -r ./openfire_backup/conf/* ./openfire/enterprise/

8. Copy the plugins directory from the backup to the installation directory except for _plugins/admin_.

cp -r ./openfire_backup/plugins/* ./openfire/plugins/

9. Copy modified files located in resources/security from the backup to the installation directory.

cp -r ./openfire_backup/resources/security/* ./openfire/resources/security/

***in my case i mistakenly ran 
cp -r ./openfire_backup/resources/* ./openfire/resources/     which resulted in my certificates rendered invalid till i had to renew them

10. Start Openfire
/opt/openfire/bin/openfire start

if you get a java error, install java


mkdir /usr/java
cd /usr/java/

tar zxvf jre-7u21-linux-i586.tar.gz
rm -rf jre-7u21-linux-i586.tar.gz

Now repeat step 10 i.e
/opt/openfire/bin/openfire start

When it is restarted, goto 'http://openfireserveraddress:9090' (secure connection won't be available now)
from there, you can do the normal startup configuration, every data/information will be in place, all you have to do is just to ok all the steps and skip the password setup page and you're good to go with a new version of Openfire. Once all is good, restart the server and your secured admin console port(i.e 9091) will now be available.

Another thing i noticed was that i had to delete my gateway clients(i.e users facebook/yahoo/google info) had to be deleted and re-entered before they could work, apart from that little inconvenience,every thing else was fine.


  1. Hi, when i start the Openfire and i got an error " nohup: appending output to `nohup.out"

    Any ideas please?


  2. It`s not an error, it`s the output whenever you start the server. Openfire will be up and running.
